
// Remember the Past // Preserve the Present //
// Protect the Future //


Our mission is to bring cemeteries, memories and legacies back to life, maintain and preserve the past for the benefit of communities worldwide.

We provide cloud-based mapping, record-keeping and GPS location technologies for cemeteries and its headstones to ensure future generations never forget their past.




In 2017, we visited the grave of a departed relative. We were struck by the lack of maintenance of the graves; difficulties in accessing certain parts of the cemetery, poor plot demarcation and an absence of security. The more we researched the more it became apparent that cemeteries are often neglected and forgotten all too often.

We discovered the impact of this neglect resulted in deterring people from visiting cemeteries, thinking about their departed loved ones and no longer caring about the cemetery and its headstones. Quickly, we recognized the ever present need to honor the dead, restore a sense of dignity for the end of life and reclaim the responsibility to preserve the tranquility, dignity and memories found in a final resting place.

PreservUs was born.

PreservUs has become an international movement to record, maintain and restore cemeteries and graves by generating a renewed sense of honor in this life by tending to those who have come before us.